Brad couldn't resist taking Ty out on the tractor. All day Ty was saying ride, ride, ride. And you can't say no to him. So Brad loaded him up on the tractor and he loved every minute of it. Ty was even driving it for a while. Which was a little scary he was headed for the fence in the back yard. He did not want to get off. He screamed and screamed with both hands firmly holding onto the handles not wanting to let go. He was enjoying it. You can tell he is

definitely going to be a boy who loves all thing trucks, tractors, four wheelers and motorcylces. Any thing that he can go for a ride on. I hope you never grow out of that!
YAY! I've been meaning to call you forever to get your blog site! I'm so glad you found me! I read every word of every post! Love you tons!
Hey Leslie...
I saw your blog on my moms, I hope you don't mind but I added you to my list. Your blog is super cute and I cannot believe how big your kids are.
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