Thursday, October 14, 2010

What do we do in the FALL time?

Well here we are the end of September and the temp outside in over 80 degrees. So what do we do? Well we put on our swim suits and jump on the trampoline with the sprinklers on. I know it sounds a little crazy for the time of year but hey whats is going to hurt? Kenzie loves to jump on the tramp as long as no one else is jumping with her. She wouldn't get on the tramp with the sprinkler so we turned it off so she could have a little fun too.
Ty on the other hand loves the water. He was running, sliding and rolling around in the water. He was having a great time enjoying the last of the wonderful weather before it gets to cold.

Doesn't she have the cutest little bum ever?

They call me Flash or the Energizer bunny. Why you ask because I am super fast and go 24/7. I never stop, and I keep going and going and going. I usually crash around 10:30 or 11:00 only if there is nothing going on. Yep that's me Ty. I love my life.

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